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zero tolerance 零容忍,對(犯罪行為等的)決不姑息,嚴懲不貸。

zero water

A police spokesman reiterated that police will maintain zero tolerance towards the problem and take rigorous enforcement and prosecution actions against those found to be either importing , selling , discharging or in possession of fireworks . the above incident is provided according to information available as at the above time and may be amended later if more information is obtained 警方發言人重申,警方絕不會容忍任何與煙花爆竹有關的非法活動,包括進口、出售、燃放或管有煙花爆竹,并會堅決對違例者進行檢控。以上的資料只是現階段調查所得以作參考,如稍后有更多資料,將會再次更新。

Abstract : the flying shear located behind the roughing stands of wire - rod mill is designed with hard surface gears for driving system , engaging of zero tolerance , hydraulic cylinder for clamping and shiftting , convenient and practical gap adjusting structure for blade 文摘:介紹了邯鋼三軋廠在線材軋機粗軋機組后的飛剪設計中,采用了硬齒面齒輪傳動,零側隙嚙合,液壓缸鎖緊與橫移及簡便實用的剪刃間隙調整機構。

Building on its catalytic and central coordinating role , the commission is planning to roll out a declarationbooklet on zero tolerance of domestic violence , and to enhance community support through development of a district focal point network 在這方面,委員會將繼續發揮催化新思維和協調社會各界的角色,計劃制定家庭暴力零度容忍宣言小冊子,亦希望透過推動在地區建立聯絡人網絡以增強社區支援。

If we claim zero tolerance of violence as the chief executive did , we must nib violence in the bud by banning corporal punishment which is a form of violence and an infringement of the rights and safety of the child 要切實執行特區首長在施政報告中強調對暴力采取零容忍態度,便要從禁止所有體罰行為開始。體罰不單是對兒童的暴力行為,更侵犯了兒童的權利,亦危害他們的安全。

Following the outbreak of sars in march 2003 , the government adopted a zero tolerance approach in law enforcement and raised the fixed penalty for public cleanliness offences from 600 to 1 500 on 26 june 在二零零三年三月,嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合癥sars爆發后,政府采取絕不容忍的態度,嚴厲執法,并在六月二十六日把定額罰款金額由港幣600元增至1 500元

The department has been involved in implementing various environmental hygiene improvement initiatives proposed by team clean , e . g . adopting the zero tolerance approach and taking stringent enforcement action against spitting and littering offences 本署負責執行小組提出的環境?生改善建議,例如以“絕不容忍”的態度嚴厲檢控隨地吐痰和亂拋

The original “ zero tolerance “ policy resulted in a couple of highly publicized cases in which expensive yachts were seized in internaional waters for what turned out to be small amounts of marijuana 原先的“零寬容度”政策導致了幾個經媒體大事報導的案子? ?在公海扣押昂貴游艇,結果僅發現少量大麻。

Police will adopt a zero tolerance approach towards possession or discharge of fireworks and firecrackers will spare no effort in stemming out illegal fireworks activities during the lunar new year 警方對藏有或燃放煙花及爆竹會采取零容忍的態度,農歷新年期間會不遺馀力打擊涉及煙花的非法活動。

A police spokesman warned that police will continue to adopt a “ zero tolerance “ policy against the illegal possession or discharge of fireworks in the run - up to the lunar new year 警方發言人表示,警方不遺馀力打擊與煙花爆竹有關的非法活動,在農歷年期間會繼續嚴厲執法,打擊此類非法活動。

Dr . heart1 : that ' s important , because these days we hae zero tolerance for mistakes . twenty years ago , that was not the case , and that ' s a good thing 心臟病科醫生1 :那些很重要,這些日子以來我們不容許出任何差錯。可二十年前事情并不是這樣的,但也很好啊。

The spokesman said that police had the ability and determination to combat triad activities , reiterating that a zero tolerance policy had been adopted against triads 發言人重申,警方是有決心及足夠能力對付黑社會犯罪活動,絕不容許任何挑戰警力的行為。

Adopting a zero tolerance approach in law enforcement , the government raised the fixed penalty for public cleanliness offences from 600 to 1 500 on 26 june 政府采取絕不容忍的態度,嚴厲執法,并在六月二十六日把定額罰款金額由港幣600元增至1 500元。

There is zero tolerance for predatory behavior , stalking , threats , harassment , invading privacy , or the revealing of other members ' personal information 反對一切侵略行為,圍捕,恐嚇,折磨,侵犯隱私,或揭露其他成員的信息等。

King abdullah of jordan said today that global efforts toward peace must include zero tolerance toward those who promote extremism 約旦國王阿卜杜拉星期五在發言中說,世界致力于和平的努力必須包括絕不容忍宣揚極端主義的人。

The police will continue to adopt zero tolerance policy against triads , which is one of the force s five operational targets this year 警方重申絕不會姑息黑社會活動,并強調打擊黑社會罪行是警方今年五項行動目標的其中之一。

We adopt a “ zero tolerance “ policy towards drug - related crimes 對于與毒品有關的罪行,我們采取絕不容忍的政策。

A study on zero tolerance policy 零容忍政策探析

End - super : zero tolerance for violence 熒幕蓋字:

Tv announcement - zero tolerance for violence zero violence against women 電視宣傳短片-暴力零容忍婦女零傷害